Money, Money, Money. Finding financial freedom in your value system with Erica Gellerman.

Money – whether you’re good with your money or feel like you could use an electric shock reminder every time you open up Amazon and regardless of whether you make a million or 10 thousand, it’s a tricky and sometimes sensitive topic.

There’s a lot of shame in not being able to “keep up with the Jones’s” and feeling like a “have not.” 

And most of the time — it rarely feels abundant.

Etiquette tells us not to talk about it. Unless of course, you live in NYC where one-upping one another on how much rent to space ratio is par for the course and how could you possibly save 

Well, today, right here, right now my guest Erica and I are breaking that taboo. 

Erica Gellerman is a CPA, MBA, personal finance writer, and founder of The Worth Project: a weekly money newsletter you actually want to read. Her work has been featured on Forbes, Money, Business Insider, The Everygirl, The Everymom, and Lifehacker. When she’s not writing about personal finance you can find Erica exploring Europe from her temporary home base in London…soon to be Hawaii, which we discuss.

She says “you don’t have to choose between being good with money and living a good life.”

This really resonated with me because sometimes it feels like in order to follow all of the money and investing rules we see online, we should be putting all of our pennies away for retirement and living in a dark cave. 

This was such a lively conversation with Erica – we barely realized we started…note the abrupt start. We really honed in on how strong value system can help you manage your money effectively – this was something that I got really clear on when I was unemployed. You can tell a lot about someone’s values by looking at their bank account.

We also talk about: 

  • How gaining clarity can help you become empowered in your choices to do what’s best for you.
  • Why honesty is the best policy when dealing with comparison in finances.
  • The three questions to help you figure out what you want to do with your life! 
  • Finding your pivot points for making big change in your life.
  • Navigating social situations and friendships when you’re in different financial situations.
  • Evaluating how we spend our time so we can spend it more efficiently.
  • How to create abundance when you feel broke. 
  • Getting the most happiness out of every dollar spent.
  • Tactical Solutions to manage debt repayment, create an enjoyable spending plan. 




Value-Based Decision Making

© 2017 Hailey Miller
Developed and Designed by Audrey Saccone | Photos by Caitee Smith Photography