*Each week, I’m taking idea to action from the podcast with a challenge.  This week, I’m focusing on my conversation with Tara Schuster. Tara inspired me to think about how I tell myself I love and care about the most important person in my life…ME!*

During the conversation, Tara talked a lot about “luxuriating in the details of our lives” and the things that we do every day. She says we spend so much time, energy, and money investing in tentpole events, the big life events, but very little on the things we’re doing every day. 

But when we think about it, it’s the things we do every day that we should be investing in. Little things that just make us feel good.

In her book, she talks about whether or not she’s worth the more expensive 3-ply toilet paper (LOL & I totally get that!)

She used the example of a sock drawer filled with matching socks. I never thought a matching sock drawer as a way to signal to myself that I care about me and that I’m worth it, but Tara was right. It is! Opening up a drawer full of socks that’s clean and tidy, one where you can pull out any pair and it’s matched is a simple way to show yourself you care.

I am very guilty of the sock drawer situation. In fact, whenever I go to someone’s house and need to borrow socks (like on a holiday or something) and they can hand me a matching pair, I’m always so impressed. So I did it! I bought new socks and threw away all of the ones that don’t match. This small enhancement to my life made me feel not only like an adult but like I matter.

And guess what? I do matter. And so do you. 

So I think it’s high time we start treating ourselves like we do. 

I’m so excited for this challenge because I tend to forget to show myself that I matter. I rush through my days trying to get more done instead of focusing on and luxuriating in what I’m actually experiencing. Like instead of enjoying a shower, I can’t wait to get out to move on to the next thing. All in the name of getting more done.

I’ll choose the less expensive option because it will work “just as well” instead of investing in something that will last a lifetime.

Or instead of buying one nice thing, I’ll buy like 10,000 cheaper, smaller things. Low and behold the void never gets filled.

Over the past few years, I’ve worked really hard to let that shit go and feel less scarcity around money. This helps me enjoy my purchases and allows me to feel special in even the smallest moments.

So, are you ready to Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies with me this week?

This Week’s Challenge

Define what your lilies are and then start buying it.

Lilies are small little luxuries you can afford. 

You are worth this small thing that makes you happy. The cost of your “lilies” is up to you – only you know what is a small purchase to you.

Here are a few of my lilies: 

  • Hu Kitchen Chocolate 
  • Paperback books
  • Organic Raspberries
  • Almond Butter 
  • Pretty notebooks
  • Organic wine
  • Pens that write really well
  • Bath salts
  • Good sheets
  • Socks 😉
  • Underwear that feel good
  • Candles

I’ll update you in the next solo episode of the podcast what I chose to be my lily.

Let me know what your lilies are by tagging me on Instagram using the #howwelllivechallenge. Or, if you don’t want to be so public, shoot me an email to hailey@hailey-miller.com.