First things first, here’s this week’s episode of my podcast baby How We’ll LiveI hope you enjoy this conversation with author of the Joy of Leaving Your Shit All Over The Place: The Art of Being Messy, Jennifer McCartney. 

 After you listen to the episode, make sure you check out her other books – she’s got some pretty funny stuff. I loved this conversation because while we talked about how it’s OK to be messy, the conversation had foundations in self-compassion, being OKAY with just being you, and how we approach success as a society. As a people-pleaser, kind of anxious type person, this type of convo really resonated with me and served as a reminder to love me for me! 

I can’t believe fall is going to be here in two days. The temps have finally dropped, which I’m not going to lie, I totally enjoy. It’s the perfect runnign weather, and time to put on sweaters, booties, and leather jackets. Not to mention all of the yummy warming foods. I’ve never been a huge pumpkin fan but can get down with this pumpkin bread from HummusapienThese are the booties I just ordered – loved them because of the style (duh!) but also because this company is sustainable. 

The warming spices and root veggies that come along with fall are really good for me and my digestion. In alignment with Traditional Chinese Medicine or Auyerveda there are some people who require more cooked/warming foods. This lights your “digestive fire”. My favorite food that lights my fire are sweet potatoes – simply roasted or mixed in with a grain bowl and warm greens. If you live in Boston, though check out Life Alive – this will light. your. fire. 

I’m loving watching Wanderlust, listening to my friend Talia’s podcast Party In My Plants (she’s so funny!), and this article about birds disappearing from North America was so sad to me. 

Alright, that’s all I’m loving this week. JK. I love you too.

Tell someone you love them today, tonight, whenever! xo!