I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose & intention.

These are two things that are so important to me.  I find that when I’m living my life with both, I am a version of myself I really like and I am living in a way that feels good.

I started thinking about it in relation to social media. I’ve been having a hard time with social media lately – Instagram in particular.

My relationship with social media is really one of love-hate.

There are certain parts of it that I love…

…its helped me connect with people I never would have met

…I’ve learned about new places, products, and information I would have never learned

…I’ve been been able to tap into my creative & aesthetic side without being an ‘artist’

…I’ve felt like I’ve had a voice and influence people

…it gives a voice to causes and issues that might not have one

….if you’re struggling with something, you might be able to feel less alone

And then there’s the hate…

….I often find myself comparing myself to others – everything from have vs. have-not to body image, and success

….I am not less content

….I’m on my phone so much

….I take selfies on the beach

….I look for ‘insta-moments’

….It feels so narcissistic

….I get FOMO

….I’m less in the moment

….hardcore, purpose-less marketing that takes advantage of consumers simply to make more money

…decreasing human interaction

…makes me feel like I’m not enough

Some of the questions I started to ask myself:

  • what would life be like without all of those positive things – have the positive impacts really been that positive?
  • what is social media really – what was the intention and what has it become?
  • have these things elevated my life?
  • what will our children’s lives be like?

But the biggest question of all is, how can I really make an impact? Sharing photos of my food, hikes, and the occasional selfie is kind of fun, but is it really helping others or changing an existing thought process?

I’ve always had an sense that I wanted to help people. Whether it’s helping a friend or someone I don’t even know, I wish the world could be a better, happier place. “World Peace”, pretty cliche, I know. With social media, I try to share messages on my account that I feel like will impact at least one person reading in a positive way, and I hope they do! But I just feel like there’s so much more I can and want to do.

With this in mind and a little bit of encouragement and inspiration from a friend, I decided it was time to start expanding my horizons to things, issues, and innovation that are so much greater than myself.

I started listening to TED Talks and podcasts outside the typical lifestyle/health/wellness genre, and found myself getting more inspired on  twitter, and adding new topics to my flipboard.

I pushed myself outside my comfort zone, and my world was flipped upside down in the best way possible.

Through engaging in content & issues that were affecting the world outside my little Manhattan bubble I started feeling passionate and informed.  I realized I’d been so caught up following the same people and types of content on Instagram and blogs for years. While I’ll always have my love and passion for health & wellness trends and lifestyle topics, opening my eyes to real BIG issues that other people in the world are facing has had some really unintended outcomes…I’ve:

  • Increased empathy and compassion
  • I feel like I’m more turned into conversations
  • Felt more confident in myself
  • Been able to engage in more interesting conversations with other people
  • Broadened my scope of knowledge
  • Felt like an interesting human
  • Realized the world is a really big amazing place
  • Understood what suffering means on a deeper level
  • Reignited a desire to help
  • Not felt the need to be on the go as much
  • …and so much more…

By exploring and pushing myself I feel like I’ve grown so much in the past 6 weeks. I can’t wait to share the project that’s coinciding with these new developments!

Here are a few of my favorite things I’ve discovered:

How to Find a New Interest & Expand Your Horizons

Pick a Topic

So you’ve decided you want to expand your horizons, now how do you put that into action? Here are a few ways you can discover  a new topic to dive into:

#1. What’s something you find interesting but every time the conversation starts to get too deep you feel like you don’t have enough knowledge to offer value to the conversation?

For me, that’s politics.  I have my opinions; I know what I like, but when it comes to making a defensible argument I usually can’t.  This is when I discovered Pod Save America and Up First by NPR. They make understanding what’s happening on politics digestible and dare I say fun?

#2. What’s something that makes you wonder? Do you wonder about the moon cycles,  how the stars stay hung so brilliantly in the sky, or how airplanes fly? FIND OUT! Be inquisitive and ask questions about the things that make you feel curious.

#3. Scroll through TED or podcasts pick one and listen. You might like it, you might hate it.

#4. Find a cause you feel passionate about. Maybe you love animals and or want to save the whales.  Whatever it is, get involved. You’ll feel good.

Be a Tourist In Your Own Town

You don’t have to live in a big city or metropolis to experience something new in your hometown.  Everywhere has history and interesting things to offer.

I’m from a really small town in Upstate New York that at first glance…well all you need is once glance.  But beneath the layers there’s history, colleges, and so many fun outdoor activities.

Expand Your Network

Making new friends or going to networking events can feel really vulnerable, and that can be a hard place to be, but engaging in conversations that push you outside your comfort zone are really powerful for your mind.  You’ll start to think in new ways, judge less, and maybe even make a new friend!

Create Space

We lead such busy lives that leave very little room for our imaginations to be ignited.  Try to schedule some space where you can just be. You’ll notice that you start thinking about things in new ways.  It feels weird at first (trust me, I know!) but after awhile, you’ll understand when and where certain types of thoughts happen.  For me, I know that I have my most creative thoughts on a run, which is great motivation for exercise! I also know that I am more analytical mid-day sitting upright at a table or desk, not on my couch.  

Listen. Your body and mind have amazing things to say.